«Houston, we have a problem...». That's what we could say with our blu-ray discs.
In France, at the beginning (january 2015), we discovered a little (!) number of rotten discs (25), all pressed by QOL. After a few weeks, QOL admitted the fact (involving a batch of bad embossing resin, for dual layer discs, used during the manufacturing process between june 2008 and june 2009) and made exchanges. They said the problem was contained.
Until this day, it's the only «official explanation».
But over the years 2015 and 2016, we discovered more and more rotten discs (verified by more than one user, on two or more different blu-ray players). Currently (september 2017): 178 discs, by 5 disc manufacturers and 20 record companies. And new rotten discs are discovered each week.
But there is no new and global position from the professionnals. Silence. Each potential problem is threated case by case.
Some disc manufacturers are saying to us to deal directly with record companies, and some record companies says to customers to deal directly with disc manufacturers. Some record companies proceed to exchanges, some never answer to mails. Sellers/sale sites refuses exchanges after 2 or 3 weeks. Some discs are out of stock and irreplaceable ect.
So, we don't know WHO is really responsible in that jungle. And we don't know what's the REAL problem with blu-ray discs.
In France, the problems are mainly with QOL (now named Media Logistique or KDG), Arvato (= Sonopress) and MPO. But we discovered others suspisious companies.
Then, is it only a french problem with specific disc manufacturers? Except the «bad 2008-2009 resin», is it a matter of chance? Or is there «something else» we don't know? When this phenomenon will end? These previous points are our main problem.
That's why we decided to create this website: to collect informations, create a link with professionnals (it's quite hard !), discuss with unlucky users, and -if possible- to give you leads.
If you don't read french, we understand that it could not be easy for you to navigate on this website. That's why we give you here the essential links:
-list-index of rotten blu-ray here :
-statistics (press operators, publishers, years) here :
-IFPI codes ('uncomplete', to know who's the manufacturer for a given disc) here:
And there is an «international section», where you are able to post reactions, or to give informations about problems in your country, for example (in french or english language, even if it's bad english!), here:
(we vividly recommend it to you to use this sub section after your registration).
If you are a webmaster, our team would be very grateful with a potential partnership. We have a dedicated sub section for partnership -"partenariat" in french, here: viewforum.php?f=22
Welcome... and «May the force be with you» (with us)!
-the '' staff-
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Welcome to our fellow Blu-ray lovers
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- Enregistré le : mar. 12 avr. 2016 14:19
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Welcome to our fellow Blu-ray lovers
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